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100 Holiday Workouts eBook


Whether it is during a holiday with your family, a work trip or an extended weekend away, sometimes you can find yourself away from gym equipment. This does not mean, however, that all your hard work need be wasted. It does not always have to be fancy gymnastic movements or heavy barbells (although they are fun!). Sometimes, an effectively programmed bodyweight workout is all you need to keep your hard earned fitness ticking over when you are short on equipment. This eBook gives you 100 of just that – effectively programmed workouts that require only yourself and some space.



  • Space to complete exercises
  • Space/loop to complete runs
  • Box/chair/platform to use for step ups, chair dips etc.

*if you dont have space to run then substitute every 100m run for 25 mountain climbers.

*if you don’t have something you can step up onto then complete the same number of reps of max height tuck jumps.

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